09:30-10:35 First session - Chair: Jørgen Villadsen Welcome (09:30-09:35) Henning Christiansen, Christian Theil Have and Knut Tveitane Reasoning about Use Cases using Logic Grammars and Constraints Kristina Spranger and Ulrich Heid Applying Constraints derived from the Context in the process of Incremental Sortal Specification of German ung-Nominalizations 11:30-12:45 Second session - Chair: Henning Christiansen Annelies Braffort - Invited Speaker Sign Language Processing: Modelling of spatio-temporal constraints 14:00-15:30 Third session - Chair: Philippe Blache Gemma Bel-Enguix and M. Dolores Jiménez-López Linguistic Context Solving with Membranes. A Preview Barbara Hemforth, Joël Pynte and Emmanuel Bellengier Making sense out of nonsense: The acceptability of repairs Antoine Widlöcher and Patrice Enjalbert Constraint-based Analysis of Discourse Structure 16:00-17:05 Fourth session - Chair: Maria Dolores Jiménez-López Veronica Dahl and Baohua Gu A CHRG Analysis of ambiguity in Biological Texts Philippe Blache "Model Theoretic Syntax is not Generative Enumerative Syntax with constraints": under what condition? Concluding remarks (17:00-17:05) Evening: Informal workshop dinner (if interest)
Note that all talks - except by the invited speaker - are expected to take 25 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion.
http://control.ruc.dk/CSLP2007-program.html updated 27 July 2007 by Jørgen Villadsen