The CONTROL project: Publications

The following list includes research papers and edited works made with reference to the CONTROL project and with at least one project group member as author.

Authors abbreviated: Philippe Blache (PB), Henning Christiansen (HC), Ver�nica Dahl (VD), Christian Theil Have (CTH), Knut Tveitane (KT), Christina Mackeprang Dahmcke (CMD), Maria Rekouts (MR), Davide Martinenghi (DM), Baohua Gu (BG), Juan Fern�ndez Ortiz (JFO), J�rgen Villadsen (JV), John P. Gallagher (JPG), Kim S. Henriksen (KSH), Gourinath Banda (GB).

References to papers in CSLP proceedings abbreviated.

Research papers

Edited works
