Registration is only possible by email:
Please provide the following information in the email:
Title / Position Name Organization Address Email Homepage Do you plan to stay at hotel CAB INN Scandinavia? RESERVATION MUST BE MADE DIRECTLY TO THE HOTEL BEFORE 16 AUGUST 2004 - SEE SEPARATE ACCOMMODATION INFORMATION
The registration fee is 1000 DKK (approx. 135 EUR) and must be paid before 25 August 2004 by bank transfer:
Danske Bank Roskilde afdeling Algade 33 DK-4000 Roskilde Denmark SWIFT-BIC: DABADKKK IBAN: DK67 3000 0012 4427 18 Bank account holder: Roskilde Universitetscenter Universitetsvej 1 P.O.Box 260 DK-4000 Roskilde Denmark Text: CSLP workshop, [your name]
The registration fee includes proceedings, refreshments, lunches, and the workshop dinner.
The registration fee does NOT include the hotel costs.
Please register as soon as possible - the late registration fee after 25 August 2004 will be 1300 DKK and the maximum number of participants is limited.
Please check the CSLP 2004 workshop site for any additional information.
Remember: Payment for registration must be received before Wednesday 25 August 2004!
Last modification 6 August 2004 by Jørgen Villadsen