International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Language Processing - CSLP 2004

Roskilde University - 1-3 September 2004


The workshop takes place in room 42.2-37 at Computer Science, Roskilde University, Denmark.

Useful links:

Photo of Building 42

Ground floor is 42.1, and you enter through the door in the middle of the photo (and then take the stairs to first floor).

First floor is 42.2, where you find room 42.2-37 next to the stairs (on the photo the room is to the right).

Second floor is 42.3, and there is probably no reason to go there (it is not Computer Science).


Note: The red/white tent you see to the left on the photo was used for a party - it is not there any longer :-)

Please check the CSLP 2004 workshop site for any additional information.

Last modification 6 August 2004 by Jørgen Villadsen